• Portobello Community Council
  • c/o 14 Rosefield Avenue
  • Portobello
  • EH15 1AU

EVOC Announce Funding for small community groups

Posted on: March 17th, 2017

The Edinburgh Voluntary Organisations Council have announced the Edinburgh Trust Community Programme, a scheme designed to provide funding for new and innovative community projects that can provide more lasting and longer term positive impact to help improve lives, reduce poverty and get the best out of the people and resources in our communities.

The programme is looking for applications from people who really know their community; can easily identify the strengths within it; and can tell us how these can be built upon.  By ‘community’ we include both geographical communities and communities of interest.

The grants available will seed fund four to six new projects to help get them off the ground and can be in the region of £1,000 and £10,000. The size of funding on offer will depend upon the size and scope of the project, which will be supported for up to two years, with evaluation taking place along the way.

There’s more detail here:  http://www.evoc.org.uk/updates/edinburgh-trust-community-programme/ and I can help people with the application. Please let me know if you have any questions.



Christina Hinds

Development Worker


DD: 0131 555 9103

Twitter: @evoc_Christina


Please note, my usual working days are Monday to Thursday


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EVOC, 14 Ashley Place, Edinburgh  EH6 5PX

0131 555 9100


Edinburgh Voluntary Organisations’ Council is a company limited by guarantee – No:  173582 and is a registered Scottish charity No. SC 009944

Registered Office:  14 Ashley Place, Edinburgh EH6 5PX